Physiotherapy is what is usually recommended for light injuries and this will involve external physical treatment and a period of physiotherapy sessions. When it comes to the more serious injuries that cannot be repaired with mere physiotherapy, some form of surgery is necessary to correct the injury.
Bearing in mind that patients are mostly the active type or they are even athletes – keyhole offers the added benefit of the patient returning to the sport of their choice sooner than if they were treated with the traditional invasive surgery. Dr Nicholas Yeo also pointed out that taking quick action when injury occurs is key to prevent the injury from getting more serious.
常言道“预防胜于治疗”—— 活跃于各种运动的人应在增加运动强度之前进行充分的拉伸。许多人因为忽略了拉伸环节,在受伤后后悔莫及。